Budapest Day 4.... Well Actually... Slovenia Day 1


This morning we had the pleasure of a homemade Slovenian breakfast.  This is a service that is offered by our Airbnb Host.  Todays services included a cheese and meet spread, homemade bread, fruit, tea/coffee, and a traditional Slovenian desert Potica... though mini sized.  The food was amazing.  We then made the 40 minute trek to Divaca, to see the Skocjan Caves.  These caves are simply amazing.  The site is a cultural and a natural UNESCO site....

Budapest Day 3


Day 3 marked the end of the first part of our trip to Hungary.  While we arent heading home yet, we did make a change of location and drove 5 hours into Slovenia for some planned sight seeing.  Along the way we stopped at the largest lake in Central Europe, which also happens to be in the middle of Hungary, Lake Balaton!  We stopped in Siofok, a town right on the shores of that lake that I can best describe as a beach town....

Budapest Day 2


When something finally clicks its like a lightbulb going off in your head.  For us, this happened with getting a handle on the Budapest Mass Transist.  On our last visit to Budapest we walked everywhere.  We walked down the street to the Pegseg (bakery/coffee shop), we walked several km to this castle, or that.  Walked into city center for shopping or to meet friends, walked home after a night of drinking....

Budapest Day 1.5


I am not sure what you call the day you arrive in a location, but the following day is certainly day 1.  So much time is spent on the .5 day getting situated its hard to call it your first day in the new location, more like the first day getting settled.  The following day is really your first day, because regardless of whether you go see your new surroundings (be it city, country, campsite) on day .5, you are still very tired and still in the "travel" mentality. For this trip day ....

Fly Fishing in Montana - Fishing with a Guide


During my recent trip to Montana for my first Fly Fishing Experience I had the opportunity to spend 2 days with a guide.  Now I went into this with a level of apprehension for a couple of reason.  First was my lack of experience. I had just learned the basics of fly casting the day prior and knew I wasnt very good.  This lead to the 2nd reason, not wanting to look like a fool....

Fly Fishing in Montana - A First Experience


Several Months ago, my brother in law suggested we go fly fishing in Montana.  I have never been fly fishing before so I thought this would be a grand adventure, and it turned out it was.  I spent those several months researching thing I would need leading up to the trip (you can read about that here).  I purchased my required things and we were off.  My flight left from Philadelphia at 6am and I landed in Bozeman Montana at little after 11....

Learning Fly Fishing - Just the Start


A few months ago, my brother in law suggested that he and I go to Montana in order to go fly fishing.  I thought this was a great idea, but at that point I had never been fly fishing in my life.  When I was younger, I had a mentor that would fly fish on our backpacking trips and I was always entralled with the idea and majesty of fly fishing.  Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to learn the sport....

Megalodon Tooth Hunting in Venice


During my Florida Trip, I had the opportunity to go out to Venice Fl to go diving for Megalodon Teeth. Obviously I jumped on the opportunity.  The only downside was that it was a 3 hour drive from Boca to Venice.  My Sister in Law and I managed to get there by around 11.  We met up with our guide and went over what to expect from the dive, reviewed signals and got geared up.  For this dive we did a beach dive, we basically geared, and walked out to the water....

Blue Heron Bridge


During a recent family trip to Florida, I had the opportunity to do some diving.  I made some grand plans with my Brother and Sister in law.  We were going to go down to Key Largo, and do some reef dives, and then the next day my Sister In Law and I would go out to Pompano and do a shallow wreck dive and a reef dive where she would teach me to hunt Lionfish.  So much for plans....

Ludum Dare 45 - My First Game Jam


To say that I romanticize game development would probably be an understatement.  There is a certain allure to creating a world that other can live in and explore.  Where the realities of life seem to fade away for a short period of time.  Perhaps this is what has always drawn me to Dungeons and Dragons.  I first heard about Ludum Dare 3 years ago when I first started entertaining the idea of making my own video game....