Budapest Day 4.... Well Actually... Slovenia Day 1

6/20/2024 AgentKnipe Travel

This morning we had the pleasure of a homemade Slovenian breakfast.  This is a service that is offered by our Airbnb Host.  Todays services included a cheese and meet spread, homemade bread, fruit, tea/coffee, and a traditional Slovenian desert Potica... though mini sized.  The food was amazing. 

We then made the 40 minute trek to Divaca, to see the Skocjan Caves.  These caves are simply amazing.  The site is a cultural and a natural UNESCO site.  The caves contain the biggest underground chamber in Slovenia and one of the largest in the world.  There are over 10km (6 miles) of caves that have been explored.  We were able to explore 2 caverns as part of the tour, the Silent cavern where there are masses for stalagtights and stalagmites.  This section of the cave no longer has the river running through it but its still "alive" meaning the drip stones are still growing.  As we went further into the we came to the Murming cave, here the river was actively running through the cave.  There is an amazing bridge that spans the cavern ans is over 90m above the river.   Unfortunately we werent able to take pictures in this section of the cave.  Once we were out of the main cavern we were able to explore the remainder of the site on our own.  

After a long day of hiking in the caves we returned to the Airbnb and turned in early to try to rest up for our next adventure.